Wednesday 2 April 2014

VolgaCTF Quals 2014 - Reverse 200

Reverse Code Engineering — 200
You just need to put 2 numbers in ascending order without spaces.
direct link
 You can read my write-up at the Hardc0de team blog.

Thursday 26 December 2013

[Reverse] Simple code deoptimization

In this post I would like to write about code deoptimization strategies and where it may be needed.

First of all there is quite a little use of deoptimization and that is why I haven't found anything about it in the Internet. Usually developer should write the fastest running code that is possible. Therefore if he/she writes very inefficient code that will cause program to delay on simple functions and that developer will be fired or noone will accept such performance.

Saturday 16 November 2013

CSCAMP CTF Quals 2013 - Reverse 100 write-up

Unfortunately tasks currently are unavailable, so I cannot copy task and its name.

We are given a .NET application (You can verify this using file utility.) which checks password. You can try to guess it, but this won't help you anyhow.

Friday 25 October 2013

Hacklu CTF 2013 - Reverse 150 - RoboAuth

Oh boy, those crazy robots can't catch a break! Now they're even stealing our liquid gold from one of our beer tents! And on top of that they lock it behind some authentication system. Quick! Access it before they consume all of our precious beverage!


Flag: password1_password2

Thursday 3 October 2013

Sharif CTF Quals 2013 - Exploiting 200 - sweet

nc 15478
This service accepts our input and echoes it using variant of printf function. As you might have already understood there will be a format string vulnerability.