Thursday, 3 October 2013

Sharif CTF Quals 2013 - Steganography 200 - muse

Another hidden message!
 We are provided with the mp3 "Knights of Cydonia" song by Muse. This container should have something hidden, therefore it is task on audio steganography topic, let's capture the flag.

 Let's listen to it. Firstly let's open it in Audacity. This program allows to do a lot of things with audio files which is really useful. 

If you've ever heard this song earlier you would probably hear that it contains some noise and even part of other Muse songs.There are 5 artifacts that can be heard and seen on the screen while listening to the track.
First one contains a part of Hysteria song and do not seem to hide anything.
Let's look further. There is something that is probably the speech but it is unrecognizable. There are two other artifacts that probably contain a speech and an artifact starting from 2:00 that sounds like a bit of Muse song, but with some effects or filters.

In order to make speech recognizable I had to split track channels(Click on track menu in the middle of screen, then "Split stereo" or something similiar), suppress noize from track (Select interval; Edit->Remove Audio -> Fill with silence) and invert a speech (Select speech interval; Effects -> Reverse).
Screenshots contain moderate amount of Russian language, but I suppose that you will be  able to find correct option.

After that you can hear such words:
First speech: Have fun with muse
Second speech: This is interrupt
Third speech: Second minute.

Only third message appears to by useful. Let's return to the artifact at the second minute. Flag had to be there. After filling with silence and reversing it. You can hear another part of the Hysteria song. There are such lyrics "cause i want it now i want it now" and this is the flag!

The flag is: causeiwantitnowiwantitnow

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